Nuclei enables the execution of external code on the host operating system. This feature allows security researchers, pentesters, and developers to extend the capabilities of Nuclei and perform complex actions beyond the scope of regular supported protocol-based testing.

By leveraging this capability, Nuclei can interact with the underlying operating system and execute custom scripts or commands, opening up a wide range of possibilities. It enables users to perform tasks such as system-level configurations, file operations, network interactions, and more. This level of control and flexibility empowers users to tailor their security testing workflows according to their specific requirements.

To write code template, a code block is used to indicate the start of the requests for the template. This block marks the beginning of the code-related instructions.

# Start the requests for the template right here


To execute the code, a list of language interpreters, which are installed or available on the system environment, is specified. These interpreters can be and not limited to bash sh py python3, go, ps, among others, and they are searched sequentially until a suitable one is found. The identifiers for these interpreters should correspond to their respective names or identifiers recognized by the system environment.

- engine:
    - py
    - python3

The code to be executed can be provided either as an external file or as a code snippet directly within the template.

For an external file:

source: helpers/code/

For a code snippet:

source: |
      import sys
      print("hello from " +

The target is passed to the template via stdin, and the output of the executed code is available for further processing in matchers and extractors. In the case of the Code protocol, the response part represents all data printed to stdout during the execution of the code.


Valid part values supported by Code protocol for Matchers / Extractor are -

responseexecution output (trailing whitespaces are filtered)
stderrRaw Stderr Output(if any)

The provided example demonstrates the execution of a bash and python code snippet within the template. The specified engines are searched in the given order, and the code snippet is executed accordingly. Additionally, dynamic template variables are used in the code snippet, which are replaced with their respective values during the execution of the template which shows the flexibility and customization that can be achieved using this protocol.

id: code-template

  name: example code template
  author: pdteam
  severity: info

  OAST: "{{interactsh-url}}"

  - engine:
      - sh
      - bash
    source: |
      echo "$OAST" | base64

  - engine:
      - py
      - python3
    source: |
      import base64
      import os

      text = os.getenv('OAST')
      text_bytes = text.encode('utf-8') 
      base64_bytes = base64.b64encode(text_bytes) 
      base64_text = base64_bytes.decode('utf-8')

  - method: GET
      - "{{BaseURL}}/?x={{code_1_response}}"
      - "{{BaseURL}}/?x={{code_2_response}}"

# digest: 4a0a0047304502202ce8fe9f5992782da6ba59da4e8ebfde9f19a12e247adc507040e9f1f1124b4e022100cf0bc7a44a557a6655f79a2b4789e103f5099f0f81a8d1bc4ad8aabe7829b1c5:8eeeebe39b11b16384b45bc7e9163000

Apart from required fields mentioned above, Code protocol also supports following optional fields to further customize the execution of code.


Args are arguments that are sent to engine while executing the code. For example if we want to bypass execution policy in powershell for specific template this can be done by adding following args to the template.

  - engine:
      - powershell
      - powershell.exe
      - -ExecutionPolicy
      - Bypass
      - -File


Pattern field can be used to customize name / extension of temporary file while executing a code snippet in a template

    pattern: "*.ps1"

adding pattern: "*.ps1" will make sure that name of temporary file given pattern.

Below is a example code template where we are executing a powershell script while customizing behaviour of execution policy and setting pattern to *.ps1

id: ps1-code-snippet

  name: ps1-code-snippet
  author: pdteam
  severity: info
  description: |
  tags: code

  - engine:
      - powershell
      - powershell.exe
      - -ExecutionPolicy
      - Bypass
      - -File
    pattern: "*.ps1"
    source: |
      $stdin = [Console]::In
      $line = $stdin.ReadLine()
      Write-Host "hello from $line"
      - type: word
          - "hello from input"
# digest: 4a0a00473045022100eb01da6b97893e7868c584f330a0cd52df9bddac005860bb8595ba5b8aed58c9022050043feac68d69045cf320cba9298a2eb2e792ea4720d045d01e803de1943e7d:4a3eb6b4988d95847d4203be25ed1d46

For more examples, please refer to example code-templates in integration tests.

It’s important to exercise caution while utilizing this feature, as executing external code on the host operating system carries inherent risks. It is crucial to ensure that the executed code is secure, thoroughly tested, and does not pose any unintended consequences or security risks to the target system.

Template Signing

Template signing via the private-public key mechanism is a crucial aspect of ensuring the integrity, authenticity and security of templates. This mechanism involves the use of asymmetric cryptography, specifically ECDSA algorithm, to create a secure and verifiable signature.

In this process, a template author generates a private key that remains confidential and securely stored. The corresponding public key is then shared with the template consumers. When a template is created or modified, the author signs it using their private key, generating a unique signature that is attached to the template.

Template consumers can verify the authenticity and integrity of a signed template by using the author’s public key. By applying the appropriate cryptographic algorithm (ECDSA), they can validate the signature and ensure that the template has not been tampered with since it was signed. This provides a level of trust, as any modifications or unauthorized changes to the template would result in a failed verification process.

By employing the private-public key mechanism, template signing adds an additional layer of security and trust to the template ecosystem. It helps establish the identity of the template author and ensures that the templates used in various systems are genuine and have not been altered maliciously.

What does signing a template mean?

Template signing is a mechanism to ensure the integrity and authenticity of templates. The primary goal is to provide template writers/consumers a way to trust crowdsource/custom templates ensuring that they are not tampered

All official nuclei templates include a digital signature in them and are verified by nuclei while loading templates using ProjectDiscovery’s public key shipped with nuclei binary itself.

Individuals / Organizations running nuclei in their work environment can generate their own key-pair with nuclei and sign their custom templates with their private key, thus ensuring that only authorized templates are being used in their environment.

This also allows entities to fully utilize the power of new protocols like code without worrying about malicious custom templates being used in their environment.


  • Template signing is optional for all protocols except code.
  • Unsigned code templates are disabled and can not be executed using nuclei.
  • Only signed code templates by the author (yourself) or ProjectDiscovery can be executed.
  • Template signing is primarily introduced to ensure security of template to run code on host machine.
  • Code file references (ex: source: protocols/code/ are allowed and content of these files is included in the template digest.
  • Payload file references (ex: payloads: protocols/http/params.txt) are not included in the template digest as it is treated as a payload/helper and not actual code that is being executed.
  • Template signing is deterministic while both signing and verifying a template i.e if a code file is referenced in a template that is present outside of templates directory with -lfa flag then verification will fail if same template is used without -lfa flag. (Note this only applies to -lfa i.e local file access flag only)

Signing Custom Template

Simplest and recommended way to generate key-pair and signing/verfifying templates is to use nuclei itself.

When Signing a template if key-pair does not exist then nuclei will prompt user to generate a new key-pair with options.

$ ./nuclei -t templates.yaml -sign
[INF] Generating new key-pair for signing templates
[*] Enter User/Organization Name (exit to abort) : acme
[*] Enter passphrase (exit to abort): 
[*] Enter same passphrase again: 
[INF] Successfully generated new key-pair for signing templates

Note: Passphrase is optional and can be left blank when used private key is encrypted with passphrase using PEMCipherAES256 Algo

Once key-pair is generated, you can sign any custom template using -sign flag as shown below.

$ ./nuclei -t templates.yaml -sign
[INF] All templates signatures were elaborated success=1 failed=0

Note: Every time you make any change in your code template, you need to resign it again to run with nuclei.

Template Digest and Signing Keys

When a template is signed, a digest is generated and added to the template. This digest is a hash of the template content and is used to verify the integrity of the template. If the template is modified after signing, the digest will change, and the signature verification will fail during template loading.

# digest: 4a0a00473045022100eb01da6b97893e7868c584f330a0cd52df9bddac005860bb8595ba5b8aed58c9022050043feac68d69045cf320cba9298a2eb2e792ea4720d045d01e803de1943e7d:4a3eb6b4988d95847d4203be25ed1d46

The digest is in the format of signature:fragment, where the signature is the digital signature of the template used to verify its integrity, and the fragment is metadata generated by MD5 hashing the public key to disable re-signing of code templates not written by you.

The key-pair generated by Nuclei is stored in two files in the $CONFIG/nuclei/keys directory, where $CONFIG is the system-specific config directory. The private key is stored in nuclei-user-private-key.pem, which is encrypted with a passphrase if provided. The public key is stored in nuclei-user.crt, which includes the public key and identifier (e.g., user/org name) in a self-signed certificate.

$ la ~/.config/nuclei/keys 
total 16
-rw-------  1 tarun  staff   251B Oct  4 21:45 nuclei-user-private-key.pem # encrypted private key with passphrase
-rw-------  1 tarun  staff   572B Oct  4 21:45 nuclei-user.crt # self signed certificate which includes public key and identifier (i.e user/org name)

To use the public key for verification, you can either copy it to the $CONFIG/nuclei/keys directory on another user’s machine or set the NUCLEI_USER_CERTIFICATE environment variable to the path or content of the public key.

To use the private key, you can copy it to the $CONFIG/nuclei/keys directory on another user’s machine or set the NUCLEI_USER_PRIVATE_KEY environment variable to the path or content of the private key.

$ export NUCLEI_USER_CERTIFICATE=$(cat path/to/nuclei-user.crt)
$ export NUCLEI_USER_PRIVATE_KEY=$(cat path/to/nuclei-user-private-key.pem)

It’s important to note that you are responsible for securing and managing the private key, and Nuclei has no accountability for any loss of the private key.

By default, Nuclei loads the user certificate (public key) from the default locations mentioned above and uses it to verify templates. When running Nuclei, it will execute signed templates and warn about executing unsigned custom templates and block unsigned code templates. You can disable this warning by setting the HIDE_TEMPLATE_SIG_WARNING environment variable to true.


Found X unsigned or tampered code template?

./nuclei -u -t simple-code.yaml 

                     __     _
   ____  __  _______/ /__  (_)
  / __ \/ / / / ___/ / _ \/ /
 / / / / /_/ / /__/ /  __/ /
/_/ /_/\__,_/\___/_/\___/_/   v3.0.0-dev

[WRN] Found 1 unsigned or tampered code template (carefully examine before using it & use -sign flag to sign them)
[INF] Current nuclei version: v3.0.0-dev (development)
[INF] Current nuclei-templates version: v9.6.4 (latest)
[WRN] Executing 1 unsigned templates. Use with caution.
[INF] Targets loaded for current scan: 1
[INF] No results found. Better luck next time!
[FTL] Could not run nuclei: no templates provided for scan

Here simple-code.yaml is a code protocol template which is not signed or content of template has been modified after signing which indicates loss of integrity of template. If you are template writer then you can go ahead and sign the template using -sign flag and if you are template consumer then you should carefully examine the template before signing it.

Re-signing code templates are not allowed for security reasons?

nuclei -u -t simple-code.yaml -sign

[ERR] could not sign 'simple-code.yaml': [signer:RUNTIME] re-signing code templates are not allowed for security reasons.
[INF] All templates signatures were elaborated success=0 failed=1

The error message re-signing code templates are not allowed for security reasons comes from the Nuclei engine. This error indicates that a code template initially signed by another user and someone is trying to re-sign it.

This measure was implemented to prevent running untrusted templates unknowingly, which might lead to potential security issues. When you encounter this error, it suggests that you’re dealing with a template that has been signed by another user Likely, the original signer is not you or the team from projectdiscovery.

By default, Nuclei disallows executing code templates that are signed by anyone other than you or from the public templates provided by projectdiscovery/nuclei-templates.

This is done to prevent potential security abuse using code templates.

To resolve this error:

  1. Open and thoroughly examine the code template for any modifications.
  2. Manually remove the existing digest signature from the template.
  3. Sign the template again.

This way, you can ensure that only templates verified and trusted by you (or projectdiscovery) are run, thus maintaining a secure environment.